TDA Advertising Standards
About Advertising Standards
The Texas Dental Association (TDA) seeks to inform dentists of products and services that assist the dentist in promoting the dental health and safety of the public. Therefore, the TDA welcomes advertising in its publication, the Texas Dental Journal, provided the advertising furthers this goal. The following standards apply to all advertising that shall appear in the Journal.
As a matter of policy, the TDA will sell advertising space in its publication when the inclusion of advertising material does not interfere with the purpose of the publication. The Texas Dental Association reserves the right to accept or reject advertising at its sole discretion for any product or service submitted for publication. The inclusion of an advertisement in the Journal is not to be construed or publicized as an endorsement or approval by the Texas Dental Association, nor may the advertiser promote that its advertising claims are approved or endorsed by the Texas Dental Association, unless the product or service being offered in the advertisement specifically includes an authorized statement that such approval or endorsement has been granted. The fact that an advertisement of a product, service, or company has appeared in the Journal shall not be referred to in collateral advertising.
The advertisement of products, services, or companies in the Journal that are not endorsed by the Texas Dental Association are subject to final review and approval by the editor.
First-time advertisers must receive final review and approval by the editor.
The advertisement shall comply with all applicable legal requirements imposed by state or federal law.
The advertisement will not be acceptable if it conflicts with or appears to violate ADA or TDA policy, the ADA or TDA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct, or ADA or TDA Constitutions and Bylaws.
The advertisement shall not include claims that are not subject to independent verification or that are false, misleading, or deceptive.
The technical and aesthetic quality of the advertisement shall be in keeping with the standard required by the Journal as evidenced by those advertisements appearing in its 3 most recent issues.
The advertisement may cite, in footnotes, references from dental and other scientific literature provided the reference is truthful and is a fair representation of the body of literature supporting the claim made.
The Journal will not allow comparative advertising.
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or special purpose foods and nutritional supplements (eg, low-sugar foods, postoperative and other therapeutic diets) are not eligible.
The advertisement must not demean the dignity of the dental profession nor promote a product or service that is detrimental to the dental health and safety of the public.
The advertisement of a consumer product within the purview of the Seal of Acceptance Program of the American Dental Association (ADA) shall not be accepted unless the product is classified as “Accepted.” Ads are not limited to products within this program.
The advertisement of a product not within the purview of the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs shall not be accepted unless evidence of safety and effectiveness is demonstrated.
The advertisement shall not use the name of the American Dental Association, the Texas Dental Association, or any council, committee, component society, or House of Delegates thereof without prior written authorization from the appropriate association.
The advertisement of products or services not directly related to providing dental care to the public, such as insurance, banking services, investment and real estate opportunities, and attorney services, shall not be accepted unless said product or service is designed and intended to be a special and direct benefit to the practicing dentist and family.
The advertisement of books, periodicals, and other publications shall not be accepted unless the publication provides, as a substantial part thereof, continuing dental education for dentists and dental auxiliaries.
An advertisement for an educational course or conference will be eligible if the course is conducted by or under the auspices of the TDA or one of its component dental societies, a national certifying board, or national society for one of the specialty areas of dental practice recognized by the TDA, an accredited dental or medical school, or any organization specifically referred to in the Bylaws of the Texas Dental Association. The TDA reserves the right to decline advertising for any course that involves the teaching or use of a product or technique that conflicts with Association policy, or is the subject of unfavorable or cautionary report by an agency of the Texas Dental Association or American Dental Association. The advertisement must state which of the aforementioned organizations is associated with the course and, if applicable, the number and type of continuing education credits granted on completion of the course. The eligibility of an advertisement for a course conducted by or under the auspices of an organization other than the aforementioned will be reviewed by the editor for attractiveness, accuracy, and dignity to determine eligibility. The CE provider must be an ADA CERP recognized provider.
The Texas Dental Association acknowledges and appreciates the extra effort put forth by advertisers in complying with the advertising standards and policies of the Association. In light of the great effort a manufacturer may undertake in developing advertising campaigns, advertisers are encouraged to forward proposed advertisements in rough form, thereby minimizing any inconvenience caused by the review of advertising messages. The purpose of these advertising standards is to advise potential advertisers of the requirements of the Journal and to assure fair and uniform application. These standards shall be implemented and interpreted by the editor, subject to review by the Texas Dental Association. The editor shall establish categories for all advertising, such as practice opportunities, employment, etc. The physical placement of such categories in the Journal shall be at the sole discretion of the editor.
The TDA will periodically review its advertising standards with the objective of keeping pace with changes that may occur in the dental industry and in the profession. It is hoped that this practice of continuous review and reevaluation will improve and ensure the relevancy, timeliness, and appropriateness of the advertising content of the Journal.